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拜訪客戶時,客戶問Tony 新產品何時開始銷售:“When will this product be released to the market?”(這個產品何時上市?)“It is already on the shelf.”沒想到客戶露出訝異的眼神。天哪,發生什麼事了。On the shelf會變成擱置或無效。
「上架」不是On the shelf



I've had to shelve my plans to buy a new car, because I can't afford it at the moment.


"On the shelf""postponed",延遲擱置的意思

These proposals have been on the shelf from six months to a year.


"On the shelf"也有"not socially active"閑置甚至有結婚無望的意思

In those days, if you hadn't married by the time you were 30, you were definitely on the shelf.


因此"It is already on the shelf"真的容易會錯意





This product has already hit the store shelves. (這個產品已經開始販售)

This product is launched already. (這個產品已經發表)

This product is on the market. (這個產品已經上市了)



This product will go off the shelf.



"off the shelf”是「現成的」而不是「客製化的」,經常用在軟體銷售:

You can purchase off-the-shelf software or have it customized to suit your needs.



This product will no longer be sold.(這個產品將會被停售)

This product line will be discontinued.(這個產品現將會停止)

愛英文是愛世界的同一個過程!【世界公民文化中心】是一所兩年制英語學院,以「英語島學程」獨有的一對一教學和與國際商業趨勢同步的團體討論課程,幫助企業人士善用英語整合能力,達成個人和企業國際化的目標,為高科技與國際跨國公司仰賴的商務英語學習機構。1on1 Program



  1. 1 別隨便說&quot; It&#039;s ok. I don&#039;t care&rdquo;,用錯英文字,有時候會丟工作
  2. 2 &quot;I think so&quot;就是「我也這麼認為」的意思?錯!聽在老外耳裡有別的意思
  3. 3 【實作練習】秒懂Web3 ! 數位商機洞察課 - 區塊鏈、元宇宙、NFT
  4. 4 頂尖經理人:從自我養成到跨國管理15堂課