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今年37歲的美國女演員安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway),憑藉著細膩優質的演技,多年來在影壇中留下了許多部著名作品,像是《穿著Prada的惡魔》、《麻雀變公主》等,近期更在新劇《摩登情愛》中飾演受躁鬱症所苦的律師「萊希」而大受好評!小安不只透過劇中角色啟發人心,在真實生活中也對人生、愛情以及身為女性都有著獨到的見解,以下節錄15句安海瑟薇的智慧語錄,往下滑看看小安給我們的人生啟示!



"A man told me that for a woman, I was very opinionated. I said, ’for a man you’re kind of ignorant’."



"I believe I’ve always been a big believer in equality. No one has ever been able to tell me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl."



"I don’t take anything for granted. I’ve been given extraordinary opportunities, I’ve also fought for extraordinary opportunities. So I don’t believe you’;re ever just there in this golden moment. You probably always have to remind people that you’re there, that you have something to offer, maybe something beyond what they could imagine for you."



"The best part about working is that you never know what you’re going to learn when you start out."



"I gave up my struggle with perfection a long time ago. That is a concept I don’t find very interesting anymore. Everyone just wants to look good in the photographs. I think that is where some of the pressure comes from. Be happy. Be yourself, the day is about a lot more."



"You’re only human. You don’t have to have it together every minute of the day."



"You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours."



"But you have to remember in life that there’s a positive to every negative and a negative to every positive."



"Life for me these days is a lot about letting the unknown be wonderful."



"I live my life with love. I live my life with compassion. I live my life hoping the best for absolutely everyone, no matter how they feel about me. And when you live that way, it’s amazing how beautiful every day can be."



"A bad love experience is no reason to fear a new love experience."



"Everybody has bad relationships and, at the end of the day, they are just a great way to set yourself up for a good relationship."


「每當有人稱我為『普通的』女孩... 在好萊塢那代表著『胖』... 但我的身材就是這樣,比起瘦,我更希望自己是強壯的。」


  1. 1 鄧紫棋合約風波後一夜長大!花七個月做新專輯:「真正的善良是,你知道這世界很可怕,可你還是選擇善良」
  2. 2 「對一個女生來說,最悲哀的就是為了喜歡的男人而貶低自己。」《哈利波特》女神艾瑪華森的15句人生語錄
  3. 3 創造個人優勢:哈佛學生都在學的精英公式
  4. 4 女性職涯發展:探索自我、提升專業的真心建議