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【英文縮寫】e.g. 和 i.e. 到底差在哪?


看完後,如果還有點不清楚 e.g. 和 i.e. 的用法也沒關係,希平方再幫您複習一下,順便補充一些相關的用法喔!

e.g. 的用法

首先,e.g. 是拉丁文 exempli gratia 的縮寫,意思是「舉個例子、比如」。它的意思相當於英文中的 for example 和 for instance。舉例來說:

There is a wide variety of choices in this candy shop, e.g., enormous bars of chocolate, candy canes, jelly beans, and licorice.

In her lonely childhood years, Cinderella has befriended a great number of forest creatures, e.g., rabbits, songbirds, and deer.


註:for instance、such as 的用法可參考下方延伸閱讀 (3.) 哦!

補充:namely 的用法

前面學到的 e.g. 使用時機是當我們只舉所有情況中的「幾個例子」;如果所列舉的「清單」是完整的,那我們就要用副詞 namely,它表示「亦即、那就是…」。舉些例子來看看:

She has a lot of tasks waiting to be done, namely packing for her trip and finishing assignments long overdue.

He carefully put away his three most prized possessions, namely his father’s cloak, a small golden ball, and a broken piece of mirror.

i.e. 的用法

接下來,i.e. 是拉丁文 id est 的縮寫,意思是「那就是說、換句話說」。它的意思和英文中的 in other words 跟 that is (to say) 一樣,都是透過給予更多資訊來解釋前面已提及過的內容。舉些例子:

Apart from spending time with his grandchildren, Matt likes to go on long boat rides, i.e., lying down on a boat for hours and going wherever the currents take him.
除了陪伴他的孫子們,Matt 喜歡長時間待在船上,也就是說躺在船上隨流而漂。

She was content with her lazy lifestyle, i.e., waking up at noon and then playing with her cat until she fell asleep again.

補充:a.k.a. 的用法

大家可能常聽到 a.k.a.,這是 also known as 的縮寫,意思是「也就是」。a.k.a. 和 i.e. 的不同之處是前者是用於「兩個對等的事物」,而後者則是有「進一步補充說明」的功能。舉個例子:

He looks up to Michael Jackson, a.k.a. the “King of Pop.”

最後好好記住 e.g.、namely、i.e.、a.k.a. 的使用時機,相信下次看到就能輕鬆分辨出來囉!

(本文刊載於希平方-線上學英文【英文縮寫】e.g. i.e. 到底差在哪?〉,未經授權,不得轉載。)


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